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Rules of the



1) Daily contact must be maintained whether it's a simple hello via email or your entire itinerary for the day.


2) Tributes are to be made weekly. Even if it's not a tribute I would normally deem "respectable" its the effort put forth during times of financial distress that can sometimes validate your devotion and gratitude for the guidance I will  continually bestow upon you as long as you remain in my shadow. Tribute tip: A tribute sent first thing in the morning or late in the evening are always nice, it lets me know How deeply resonated I am in your everyday thought process.


3) The only ways I am to be addressed is: Queen, Mistress or God because in all actuality I am encompassing of all, so it works out.


4) The rules of the rules: Depending on the dynamics of some of the many forms of a submissive relationships in which I provide some rules do not apply as all rules , because no two d/s relationships are the same it would be impossible to impose the same rules for everyone. Because of this some may receive their own rules tailored to be followed. If you're not one of those people stick to these unless told otherwise (except tribute).


5) During real time sessions you are never to eye level with me. You are to remain on all fours until instructed otherwise.


6) When a lapse of judgment occurs whatever punishment I deem fitting will be endured with pride in the hope of been back in my good graces out of devotion and respect. If you have a problem with any of the punishments you have received due to YOUR actions. I have no interest in pursuing anything further in your need for submission. There is no place for ego of any sorts at my feet.


7) Incentive is a favorite quality in a submissive. Not only does this let me know that everything that is being taught is being used and retained in a productive manner, but just as I have taken the time to become familiar with your likes and dislikes by repetition and observation you have begun to do the same. With this being said most slaves with incentive tend to end up in the bliss of long-term submission. Most of these submissives are the best candidates for hand signals training.


8) Domination and all other aspects of being a fetishist is something I consider to be an art form and as the artist anything done to postpone or or compromise my vision will result in dire consequences.


9) For those with blackmail role play fetishes or fascination there is absolutely nothing done without some form of consent with the parties involved.


10) I operate under a strict code of ethics with a deep respect for boundaries regardless how much I like to push them. With this being said whatever I consider  to be unethical or may be against my boundaries, once voiced is completely out of the question. One of the many joys I have about my work is the option to tell you to fuck off if I feel we're not on the same page of compatibility or ethical standings.

© 2016  by Queen of Callous

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